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Senior Attendant (Altar Group)

From Soutar36
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Senior Attendant Jewel Varland of the Dynasty Club, Shanghai, posing in her distinctive black stockings

Within the Altar Group, the rank of Senior Attendant is the highest and most prestigious designation attainable by an Inmate Prostitute. They are easily recognizable by their distinctive black stockings, which have come to signify that the holder is trusted by her employers to uphold the highest standards of service, maintain excellent conduct, and serve as a role model to her fellow Inmate Prostitutes.

Senior Attendants can typically be expected to possess exceptional skills and technique in addition to an outstanding service attitude, thus assuring customers a world-class experience above and beyond the usual high standards maintained by Attendants. As their services are highly sought-after, Senior Attendants command top-of-market prices, with an hourly rate ranging from $2,600 to $2,800.

Only Attendants working at five-star Altar properties are eligible for appointment to the rank of Senior Attendant. Each property may only appoint two Senior Attendants per year. Appointments are made by the property's Curator, in accordance with a strict set of criteria. Once appointed, Senior Attendants usually maintain their rank until their release from indenture, however, their rank may be revoked at the discretion of the Curator in the event of poor work performance or disciplinary violations.

Senior Attendants are afforded a number of privileges both at work and within their Dormitories. They are assigned single-occupancy cells, have regular access to recreational facilities, and are permitted to purchase and store a variety of items for their personal comfort and convenience. Most importantly, Senior Attendants have the opportunity to significantly increase their earnings, thereby accelerating their release from indenture.

Duties and Responsibilities

Senior Attendant Amani Ashraf of The Kasbah, Saudi Arabia, posing for a catalog photo

While Senior Attendants do not officially have duties and responsibilities which differentiate them from Junior Attendants, they are highly trusted by staff members and are relied upon to act as exemplars and role models for their fellow Inmate Prostitutes both at work and in their Dormitory. They are expected to reflect the values of Obedience, Diligence and Service, and in so doing, serve as positive exemplars of the success of Altar's rehabilitation programs.

In certain situations, staff members may rely on Senior Attendants to do the following:

  • Serve VIP guests or dignitaries;
  • Improve morale amongst Attendants;
  • Disseminate, explain and garner support for new policies;
  • Counsel Attendants who are experiencing personal or psychological difficulties;
  • Provide guidance and advice to new Attendants;
  • Provide feedback on specific Attendants who are experiencing a decline in their performance or conduct.

Additionally, in situations where an Attendant has been receiving poor ratings from clients, staff members may enlist the help of a Senior Attendant to provide training and guidance to help improve her skills and technique.

Because they are assessed as a minimum security risk, Senior Attendants are eligible to receive outcall bookings, most of which are overnight. While attending outcall bookings, they are expected to observe security protocol meticulously, including making sure that their GPS trackers are online at all times, and checking in with their handlers at regular intervals.

Eligibility Requirements

Senior Attendant Evangeline Jaarsma of The Kasbah providing oral service to a staff member

Prerequisites for Appointment

In order to be eligible for appointment to the rank of Senior Attendant, a candidate must fulfil all of the following criteria:

  • Serve at least four years at a five-star property;
  • Achieve an A grade in her annual SWIFT Test;
  • Maintain an average annual rating of 4.70 or higher for three consecutive years, or any four out of the past five years;
  • Maintain a perfect disciplinary record for three consecutive years;
  • Obtain recommendations from two staff members.

Meeting these requirements merely makes a candidate eligible for appointment; the appointment is not guaranteed. The final decision to make an appointment is at the sole prerogative of the Curator. By longstanding custom, Curators may appoint a maximum of two Senior Attendants per year.

Appointments are made following an internal deliberation and selection process in which candidates may not participate. Candidates are not permitted to apply, lobby or campaign for Senior Attendant appointments. However, it is a fairly common practice for certain candidates who meet the eligibility criteria to informally "campaign" for an appointment by ingratiating themselves with certain staff members in the lead-up to the Curator's selection process, in hopes of having the staff members advocate on their behalf.

Senior Attendant Sara Morais of The Waha, Abu Dhabi, posing for a catalog photo

Maintenance of Rank

According to Altar's corporate policy, once appointed, a Senior Attendant must "continuously maintain a high standard of performance, conduct and service and set a positive example for others". In practice, Senior Attendants are customarily allowed to hold their rank until they are released from indenture as long as their performance does not decline significantly.

"There is always pressure to keep standards high - especially because it is a longstanding tradition that Senior Attendants keep their rank until their release date. No one wants to be the exception - it would be very embarrassing to be demoted."

Sara Morais

Senior Attendant, Les Sables d'Or, Djibouti

18 February 2033

According to policy, Senior Attendants automatically forfeit their rank in the event that they are formally charged with a disciplinary offense before a Corporate Disciplinary Tribunal.

Senior Attendant Denisa Dvorak of Les Sables d'Or, Djibouti, providing anal service to a customer

Curator's Prerogative

Notwithstanding any existing policy, all Senior Attendants are appointed at the sole discretion of the Curator, and serve at his pleasure.

As such, the Curator of each respective property has the prerogative to appoint Senior Attendants regardless of whether they meet the eligibility criteria, and regardless of whether the maximum limit of two appointments per year has been reached. Similarly, the Curator can also exercise his discretion to revoke the designation and rank of any Senior Attendant at any time and without needing to provide any reason. He may also re-appoint a Senior Attendant who has had her rank forfeited as a result of disciplinary proceedings being brought against her, or for any other reason.

In practice, however, it is extremely uncommon for any Curator to deviate from the longstanding custom and exercise his discretion in such a manner.


Senior Attendant Johanna Hauser of The Kasbah posing for a catalog photo

Work Privileges

Senior Attendants enjoy a significant number of privileges at work, including:

  • An hourly rate of $2,600 to $2,800 (as opposed to $1,800 to $1,950 for Junior Attendants)
  • Revenue share earnings of 7% (as opposed to 6% for Junior Attendants)
  • Higher daily contribution limit to personal welfare accounts
  • Eligibility for outcall bookings
  • The right to wear black stockings at work to signify their status

Dormitory Privileges

  • Accommodation in a single-occupancy cell
  • More frequent access to recreational facilities
  • More standard-issue amenities (e.g. cosmetics, toiletries, cutlery, pillows)
  • The right to purchase a wider range of commissary items
  • The right to wear black stockings in the dormitory to signify their status