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Loss of Privileges (Altar Group)

From Soutar36
Inmate Prostitute Savannah Colbert of The Kasbah sits in her penal cell after being sentenced to Loss of Privileges

Loss of Privileges is a common form of punishment for Inmate Prostitutes in the custody of Altar Group. An Inmate Prostitute who has been sentenced to Loss of Privileges is removed from the general population of her Dormitory, and is instead housed in a single-occupancy cell in a designated penal area, ranging from 40 to 45 sq ft in size.

While serving out her sentence of Loss of Privileges, an Inmate Prostitute is denied all of the privileges that she was previously eligible for. Depending on the facility she is in, these may include:

  • The privilege of not having to wear restraints while inside the confines of her own cell;
  • The privilege of having unrestricted access to water from the tap inside her cell;
  • The privilege to move freely within her Dormitory;
  • The privilege of wearing and owning clothing, footwear and/or accessories;
  • The privilege of receiving standard-issue items, including toiletries, towels and soap;
  • The privilege of communal dining;
  • The privilege of access to recreational facilities and/or activities;
  • The privilege of receiving welfare deposits into her amanat account.

According to the Group's custodial policy, a sentence of Loss of Privileges is regarded as a formal punishment, and may only be awarded following a Disciplinary Tribunal. Sentences may range from a minimum of 7 days for minor offenses such as tardiness or improper presentation, to a maximum of 3 years for serious offenses such as insolence. It ranks as the second-least severe among formal punishment options for disciplinary officers, above meal penalties and below fines.

Punishment Conditions

Inmate Prostitute Simona Dostálová of Les Sables d'Or serving a sentence of Loss of Privileges for the offence of improper presentation in 2032.

Inmate Prostitutes who are sentenced to Loss of Privileges are generally stripped of all privileges that they may have earned by virtue of their good behavior, seniority, work performance, or employment at their place of work. They are generally held in conditions similar to those applicable to newly-indentured Trainee Inmate Prostitutes prior to the commencement of Reformative Training. Punishment conditions are applicable only in the Dormitory. Inmate Prostitutes who are serving a sentence of Loss of Privileges are still required to work.

  • Clothing: The wearing of clothing or accessories is strictly prohibited. Any articles of clothing owned by the Inmate Prostitute prior to her sentence is subject to confiscation.
  • Restraints: Restraints must be applied at the wrists, ankles and either the upper or lower torso at all times, including when inside the confines of a locked cell.
  • Work: Work conditions remain unchanged, except that restraints and a guard escort are required during movement to and from work. In some facilities, an Inmate Prostitute's daily quota may be increased, or her share of earnings decreased.
  • Meals: Meals are provided twice a day, and taken inside the Inmate Prostitute's cell.
  • Freedom of Movement: The Inmate Prostitute is taken to her cell immediately after work, and may leave her cell only to report to work. Any movement within the Dormitory is prohibited.
  • Personal Items: All personal items, such as soap, towels, plastic cutlery and toilet paper, are subject to confiscation and will not be issued during the sentence term.
  • Amanat: No deposits or contributions may be made into the amanat account during the sentence term. Visits to the commissary are prohibited.
Inmate Prostitute Renata Wexler receiving a flogging during a punishment session at Al-Jafr Women's Dormitory

Punishment Sessions

While serving a sentence of Loss of Privileges, an Inmate Prostitute must report for a punishment session daily. Punishment sessions are conducted under the supervision of the Discipline Master, and may include beatings, rope bondage, or water bondage.

"Right after you report for a punishment session, there's a period of maybe 15 to 30 minutes where you just watch the trainer beat the hell out of the girl before you, while you wait your turn. This is probably as horrible as the punishment itself. You find yourself wanting to hurry up and get it over and done with."

Emily Raskin (Inmate Prostitute #30276)

Junior Attendant, Sphinx Club

8 March 2033

Punishment sessions are designed to be painful and degrading to "encourage the offender to reflect on her actions". They are also carefully calibrated not to leave any visible marks on the body.

Inmate Prostitute Andrea Fratelli of Wonderland is ordered to eat her meal with a metal implement in her mouth during a Loss of Privileges sentence

Administration of Sentence

A sentence of Loss of Privileges begins immediately following the conclusion of the Disciplinary Tribunal at which the order was made. If the sentence began before 9.00 pm, the day on which the sentence was passed will be considered the first day of the sentence term. Otherwise, the first day of the sentence term will be the following day.

Inmate Prostitutes who are serving out a sentence of Loss of Privileges are assigned Category P custody status. They are subject to maximum security protocols, for example they are required to report for six inspections per day, and must be fully restrained during movement.

The sentence term officially lasts until 11.59 pm on the last day, however, the Inmate Prostitute may be released back to her cell immediately following the end of her work shift for the day.

At the end of the sentence, the Inmate Prostitute is reintroduced into the general population of her Dormitory, and is automatically reclassified to Category C custody status, regardless of her previous status. However, exceptions may be made at the discretion of the facility's legal conservator or ranking manager. For example, Muslim Inmate Prostitutes are customarily restored to Category B status after the completion of a Loss of Privileges sentence.

All of the Inmate Prostitute's personal effects which were confiscated prior to the implementation of the sentence are deemed to be forfeited, and cannot be returned. However, any funds that were previously held in her amanat account will be returned to her.