Reformative Training (Altar Group)

Reformative Training is a mandatory training course for indentured women in the custody of Altar Group, the world's largest adult entertainment company. The course is designed to equip trainees with the skills and mindsets necessary for successful careers in sex work. Prior to completing the course, participants are referred to as Trainee Inmate Prostitutes.
"You should expect your freedom and flexibility to be restricted. During Reformative Training, there will be a strong emphasis on discipline and regimentation. The sooner you accept your new reality and commit yourself fully to learning the required skills and mindsets, the easier your journey will be."
Trainee Inmate Prostitute's Guide (2032 Edition)
The course lasts 10 weeks, and is conducted 4 times a year. Since 2024, Reformative Training has primarily been conducted at the Women's Vocational Training Center (WVTC) in Thamud, Yemen.
According to Altar Group, the main objective of Reformative Training is to help Trainee Inmate Prostitutes "break the old habits and mindsets which led to their indenture", and subsequently, to "repurpose them for productive labor".
According to Altar Group, the main objective of Reformative Training is to help Trainee Inmate Prostitutes "break the old habits and mindsets which led to their indenture", and subsequently, to "repurpose them for productive labor".
Custody Conditions

At WVTC, Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are housed in standard dual-occupancy cells measuring 6.25 ft x 9.5 ft (approximately 59.5 sq ft), inclusive of a bathroom area separated by a 0.5 ft high privacy divider. The bathroom area contains a squatting flush toilet and a cold water tap affixed to the wall at a height of 3.5 ft. Cells have bare concrete walls on three sides, with the remaining side consisting of vertical steel bars facing out into the block, and are fitted with a tamper-proof surveillance camera. No beddings are allowed, and Trainee Inmate Prostitutes sleep on the floor.
"The accommodation conditions during Reformative Training are basic, but hygienic and functional. They are not meant to be comfortable."
Hajik MaaloufDeputy Superintendent (2028 - 2032), WVTC
18 May 2033
A Trainee Inmate Prostitute's cellmate is informally referred to as her "lover" or "girlfriend".

At WVTC, Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are served two meals a day. All meals are taken in their cells, except for one weekly communal meal on Fridays, taken in the common room of each cell block. Regular meals must typically be consumed within 10 to 15 minutes.
Meals are basic and starch-heavy, and contain no meat or fish. However, they are certified by in-house medical professionals, and meet the basic nutritional requirements for a balanced diet.
Meals typically consist of:
- Breakfast: 3 pieces of plain or pita bread; 2 dog biscuits; 10g butter, honey or jam; 25g mixed nuts; 10g powdered protein
- Dinner: 3 pieces of plain or pita bread; 25g hummus or baba ganoush, 25g mixed nuts, a portion of starch (half a boiled potato, tapioca, corn or boiled rice); 10g cheese; half a portion of vegetables (boiled spinach, carrots or cabbage)
In addition to the standard rations, Muslim Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are afforded the privilege of receiving supplementary rations at both breakfast and dinner. This may include a boiled egg, a portion of daal or lentil soup, or a portion of sliced fruits.
For security reasons, no cutlery or utensils are permitted, and Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are required to eat with their hands.

Personal Items
Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are provided with a number of standard-issue items at the time of their in-processing at WVTC. These include the following:
- 1 x anal plug
- 1 x hair tie
- 1 x towel; 30 cm x 30 cm (replaced weekly)
- 1 x bar soap; 35 grams (replaced weekly)
- 1 x oil-based lubricant; 100 grams (replaced weekly)
Personal items are considered privileges, and are not entitlements. They may be used for their prescribed purposes only. Any misuse of items will result in confiscation and disciplinary action. For instance, towels may not be used as a body covering or as a headrest.
Besides these standard-issue items, Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are not permitted to possess any other personal items. Any items found on their persons or inside their cells are regarded as contraband, and will be confiscated. In addition, any Trainee Inmate Prostitute who is found to be in possession of contraband may be subject to disciplinary action.
Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are not eligible for commissary visits, and do not have Amanat accounts. They are not permitted to receive or retain any gifts from staff members.
Regimentation and Discipline

One of the primary aims of Reformative Training is to inculcate the core values of "Obedience, Diligence and Service" into each Trainee Inmate Prostitute. As such, a strict framework of regimentation and discipline is enforced at all times.
Attire and Presentation
Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are not permitted to wear clothing. In addition, every Trainee Inmate Prostitute is required to ensure that her breasts and pussy are both visible and accessible to any person within her immediate vicinity (within a radius of 3 meters) and within her line of sight (within a frontal distance of 10 meters). It is strictly prohibited for an Trainee Inmate Prostitute to cover her breasts or pussy with her hands or any other object. As such, it is the personal responsibility of each Trainee Inmate Prostitute to ensure that she does not inadvertently adopt a posture that obscures her breasts or pussy from view, even when sleeping.
Each Trainee Inmate Prostitute also has the responsibility of ensuring that she complies with grooming standards at all times. No traces of body hair may be visible anywhere below the eyebrows, and light makeup must be worn between the hours 6.00 am to 11.00 pm.
During in-processing, each Trainee Inmate Prostitute receives a mandatory laser hair-removal treatment, and must undergo two subsequent appointments at three-week intervals. However, if any body hair grows in between these appointments, the Trainee Inmate Prostitute must immediately inform a staff member so as to make arrangements for grooming.

Anal Plugs
Each Trainee Inmate Prostitute is issued an anal plug at the time of in-processing. It is mandatory for anal plugs to be worn 24/7 except during Personal Grooming time, between 8.00 am to 9.00 am daily. At all other times, Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are strictly prohibited from removing their own anal plugs for any reason whatsoever. Only staff members are permitted to remove them.
"The practice is a very effective conditioning method which continually reinforces to the girls that their bodies are not their own. Their assholes exist solely for our use, and we alone have the right of consent over when and how they are used."
Dr. Hakim RezguiMedical Officer, WVTC
8 March 2032
In the event that a Trainee Inmate Prostitute loses or damages her anal plug, a financial penalty may be applied in addition to any other disciplinary action deemed appropriate.

During Reformative Training, routine inspections are conducted six times daily. The purpose of inspections is to ensure that Trainee Inmate Prostitutes:
- Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are present and accounted for;
- Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are properly groomed and plugged;
- Trainee Inmate Prostitutes' cells are clean, hygienic, and free of contraband;
- Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are not ill or injured.
During a routine inspection, each Trainee Inmate Prostitute is required to assume the "at attention" kneeling position with her hands behind her head, with her breasts and pussy clearly displayed. No movement or noise is allowed. When called, she must report her presence in the following manner:
"Trainee Inmate Prostitute [Number] reporting for inspection, Sir!"
When the duty guard commander gives the command "carry on", she is required to thank him, and thereafter, may assume the "at ease" position until her entire section is dismissed.

Hygiene and Sanitation
Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of their own cells and common areas.
There is time designated for Area Cleaning twice a day. During these times, Trainee Inmate Prostitutes will be provided with buckets of water for cleaning.
"Good hygiene is essential to maintaining your health and avoiding illness. Inmate Prostitutes in poor health have no economic value to the Group, and as such, you have a responsibility to ensure that you remain healthy."
Trainee Inmate Prostitutes' Guidebook (2032 Edition)
Cells may be inspected by guards at any time. Failure to maintain the required standards of cleanliness will result in disciplinary action.

Deference to Staff
Forms of Address
Staff members must be addressed as "Sir". When referring to a staff member in the third person, the proper form of address is "[Name] Sir".
For officers or warrant officers, the proper form of address is "Master" or "Sayyid" instead of "Sir".
For Trustee Prostitutes, the proper form of address is "Sister".
Permitted Speech
Trainee Inmate Prostitutes may not address a staff member unless they are first addressed, or unless they are given permission to speak. When addressed by staff, a Trainee Inmate Prostitute may only reply "Yes, Sir", "No, Sir", "Thank you, Sir" or "Permission to speak, Sir". She may reply more substantially if permission is granted.
Obedience to Orders
Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are required to promptly and unconditionally obey any order or instruction issued by a staff member. Failure to do so may constitute the serious offense of insubordination.

Sexual Access and Service
Sexual Access Requirement
Section 7.1 (a) of the Altar Indenture Code requires every Inmate Prostitute to provide and facilitate sexual access to her Conservator or any other person designated by him. This is known as the sexual access requirement. During Reformative Training, this requirement is enforced very strictly, and is interpreted to mean that each Trainee Inmate Prostitute has an obligation to ensure that she is sufficiently lubricated whenever a staff member wishes to sexually use her. Any attempt to obstruct sexual access, whether intentional or unintentional, is a serious offense.
Sexual Service Requirement
Section 7.2 (a) of the Altar Indenture Code requires every Inmate Prostitute to provide sexual service promptly and to the best of her ability whenever required by her Conservator, or any other person designated by him. During Reformative Training, Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are trained in specific protocols. For instance, whenever a staff member drops his pants, all Trainee Inmate Prostitutes in his vicinity must immediately fall to their knees and begin fellating him.

Physical Discipline
Orgasm Control
During Reformative Training, Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are expected to practice absolute orgasm control. This means that they are completely prohibited from having orgasms at any time, regardless of the context or circumstances.
While all orgasms are unauthorized and therefore subject to disciplinary action, there are different degrees of severity for disciplinary purposes:
- First-degree: Deliberately seeking and attaining an orgasm through self-masturbation or through sexual interaction with another Trainee Inmate Prostitute or staff member
- Second-degree: Unintentionally attaining an orgasm as a result of sexual stimulation while servicing a staff member
- Third-degree: Unintentionally attaining an orgasm while being restrained and subject to intense stimulation (i.e. while being edged or during a training exercise)
Masturbation is strictly prohibited at all times, except when specifically instructed by a staff member. In practice, staff members routinely instruct Trainee Inmate Prostitutes to masturbate themselves to a state of heightened arousal before sexual service.

Lockdown Hours
During lockdown hours, there is a zero-sound policy in effect. All Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are expected to sleep, and may not engage in any other activity inside their cells. Any unnecessary movement is prohibited.
While sleeping, each Trainee Inmate Prostitute is required to ensure that her breasts and pussy are not obscured from view, whether intentionally or unintentionally, so as not to violate the rules on personal presentation. It is also strictly prohibited to use towels as pillows or body coverings.
In addition to the surveillance cameras in every cell, guards also patrol the cell blocks at regular intervals during lockdown hours to ensure compliance with regulations.
Servicing Staff Members During Lockdown Hours
From time to time, a Trainee Inmate Prostitute may be required to service staff members during lockdown hours. While staff members are usually encouraged to avail themselves inside the Trainee Inmate Prostitute's cell, it is also common for Trainee Inmate Prostitutes to be taken out of their cells during lockdown hours to service staff members, usually in the duty guards' quarters.
However, Trainee Inmate Prostitutes may not be out of their cells overnight for "date nights", and only short-term use is permitted. In addition, when they are being transported outside of their cells, movement protocol must be strictly followed at all times.

Movement Protocol
Trainee Inmate Prostitutes are not permitted to move around freely. All movement is closely monitored, with strict protocols being applied depending on the security circumstances.
Level 1 (Low Risk) Protocol
Level 1 Movement Protocol is applicable when moving within the secure confines of a cell block. While restraints are not required, the Trainee Inmate Prostitute must adopt the "bitch-walking" position, i.e. her hands must be crossed behind her back, she must be bent from the waist at a 90-degree angle, and a staff member must be gripping her hair at all times.
"Learning how to bitch-walk properly is probably the first thing that every new girl at WTVC has to do. They are very strict about it.
Aurora Hällsten (Inmate Prostitute #30268)
WVTC Alumnus (30/04)
20 April 2033
If the staff member releases his grip for any reason, the Trainee Inmate Prostitute is required to immediately fall to her knees and assume the "at attention" position and wait for further instructions.

Level 2 (Medium Risk) Protocol
Level 2 Movement Protocol is applicable when leaving the cell block and moving to another part of the WVTC complex, such as the medical center or the administrative offices. The Trainee Inmate Prostitute is restrained at the wrists and ankles, and is also required to wear a collar attached to a leash. She must remain on her hands and knees at all times, and may not stand unless instructed to do so. The leash must be held by a staff member at all times, and if his grip is released for any reason, she is required to remain still and wait for further instructions.
Level 3 (High Risk) Protocol
Level 3 Movement Protocol is applicable whenever leaving the WVTC complex for any reason, such as a transfer to another facility. Typically, movement outside the complex involves transportation by a motor vehicle. The Trainee Inmate Prostitute is required to be tightly handcuffed (behind her back), and to wear heavy leg shackles, waist chains, and a mouth gag to ensure that she cannot scream. Given the weight of the restraints, movement is generally slow and cumbersome, and requires a great deal of physical exertion.
Two guard escorts are required at all times, one to hold on to the waist chains or handcuffs, and another to walk in front of the Trainee Inmate Prostitute so as to ensure that there are no security threats. In the event that the first guard escort's grip is released, the Trainee Inmate Prostitute must immediately fall to her knees and remain still and wait for further instructions.