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Attendant (Altar Group)

From Soutar36
Junior Attendant Joanna Hauser (Inmate Prostitute XXXXX) at Altar Riyadh

Within the Altar Group network, an Attendant is a professional sex worker and adult entertainer who has been specifically selected and qualified for employment at one of Altar's Grand Clubhouses, the highest tier within the group's more than 40 adult entertainment establishments around the world. Attendants are chosen for their youth, beauty, skill, and strong dedication to quality service, and are considered top-quality providers worthy of highly discerning VIP clients.

As a result of Altar's prestige and status within the adult entertainment industry, Attendants are universally recognized as elite-level courtesans and companions. All of Altar's Grand Clubhouses honor the Quality Service Guarantee, assuring paying customers that they can expect a consistent high level of service from their Attendants. As such, clients are charged very high fees for Attendants' services. As of September 2024, the rate for a one-hour session with an Attendant at an Altar Grand Clubhouse starts at $1,800.

Senior Attendant Marion Descazes (Inmate Prostitute XXXXX) of Altar Doha

All Attendants are indentured workers who are engaging in sex work in order to pay off substantial debts owed to or assumed by Altar Group. As Inmate Prostitutes in the custody of Altar Group, they are housed at a custodial facility attached to or a short distance from their place of work, where they are subject to a strict regimentation and discipline by regulations designed to encourage rehabilitation. They are required to use the vast majority of their earnings to pay down their outstanding debt balances in order to eventually earn their release from custody.

Prior to being employed as an Attendant, an Inmate Prostitute must first complete at least 10 weeks of Reformative Training conducted at either the Altar Central Re-Education Center (CERC in Shawyah, Saudi Arabia, or at their local custodial facility. Only the top 20 to 25% of each Reformative Training cohort qualifies for employment as Attendants; girls who fail to make the grade are sent to mid-range or economy-grade establishments in the Middle East, North Africa, Asia or Eastern Europe. While it is possible for an Inmate Prostitute to transfer from one establishment to another, a transfer to a higher-end establishment is extremely rare - the overwhelming majority of transfers are from a higher-end to a lower-end establishment.

Attendants are sub-divided into five grades. Holders of the first three grades are called Junior Attendants, and those in the top two grades are called Senior Attendants. The rank of Senior Attendant is the highest honor available for Inmate Prostitutes within Altar's indenture system, and its holders can easily be identified by their distinctive black stockings.

In addition to benefiting from increased earnings, Senior Attendants are also afforded a host of privileges both at work and in custody because they are trusted by staff members to serve as examples and role models for their fellow Inmate Prostitutes.

Generally, Attendants are required to work from 11.00 am to 1.00 am daily. Clients may book their services either by prior appointment (with the last available appointment being at 12.00 am) or by spontaneously selecting one or more Attendants from a Selection Parade.


Junior Attendant Melody Wen (Inmate Prostitute #00000) at a selection parade at Altar Abu Dhabi

The selection process for Attendants is conducted on an ongoing basis during Reformative Training. Naturally, training staff will seek to qualify as many Trainee Inmate Prostitutes as possible for future employment as Attendants because they generate the most revenue for Altar Group as a whole. However, in practice, only 20% to 25% of each Reformative Training cohort is selected to serve as a Grand Clubhouse. Selection is ultimately done by the respective Talent Managers of each Clubhouse, although CREC staff also have input into the process. In cases where there is conflict or competition as to the eventual employment of a particular Trainee Inmate Prostitute, the final adjudication is made by the Human Resources department at Altar Headquarters.


To qualify for selection as an Attendant, a Trainee Inmate Prostitute must have a "classic feminine appearance", with a pretty face and a proportionate figure. Any severely overweight or underweight girls are ruled out. Additionally, candidates for selection should be "youthful", i.e. aged between 17 to 22 at the time of beginning their service, and have no tattoos. In the event that a Trainee Inmate Prostitute meets all the other criteria but has 3 or fewer tattoos, arrangements can be made for laser tattoo removal.

Talent Managers often seek to achieve a balance in their talent portfolios. As such, if a particular clubhouse already has a large number of Attendants with small breasts, their Talent Manager might recruit specifically for larger breasts.

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Junior Attendant Claire Svendsen (Inmate Prostitute #00000) of Altar Doha taking an anal cream pie from a client

Training Performance

Because the Grand Clubhouses place a great emphasis on service quality, an attractive appearance alone is insufficient to qualify a Trainee Inmate Prostitute for future employment as an Attendant. Talent Managers also take into account each girl's training performance and SWIFT Test results, as they are reflections of her skills.

In addition to reviewing training data and collating feedback from CERC staff members, Talent Managers also frequently visit CERC to personally conduct auditions to gauge the girls' skills, technique and stamina.

The opportunity to be employed at a Grand Clubhouse as opposed to a lower-end establishment provides a strong incentive for Trainee Inmate Prostitutes to take their Reformative Training seriously, and to apply themselves fully to their re-education.

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Junior Attendant Adriana Souza (Inmate Prostitute #00000) of Altar Riyadh emphatically takes a cumshot from a client

Attitude and Demeanor

Perhaps the most important criterion for the selection of Attendants is their attitude and demeanor. Attendants are required to have an excellent service attitude. Any signs of insolence, defiance or entitlement are automatic disqualifiers. In general, Talent Managers look for girls who react to their experience in Reformative Training with humility, remorse and repentance. In addition, clear demonstrations of resignation and acceptance (of their current circumstances) is also a positive factor in selection considerations.

For Talent Managers, the most obvious indicator of the aforementioned traits is a proactive willingness to accept humiliation and degradation. For example, a positive and enthusiastic response to receiving bukkake, cream pies or cum facials is always impressive. Additionally, girls who expressly communicate their remorse for their past transgressions and their eagerness at turning their lives around are almost certain to win the favor of Talent Managers.

Ranks and Grades

Attendants are divided into two ranks and five grades, each with a set of prerequisites. Their rates are adjusted according to their grade, with clients paying more for greater assurance of quality. The most obvious incentive for Attendants to gain promotion to a higher grade is that a higher rate of earnings corresponds to a shorter length of time in custody. A secondary incentive is that higher-ranked Attendants have a greater chance of being selected for overnight service by clients, which means a more comfortable night's sleep in a luxury suite rather than a concrete cell.

Image Rank Grade Prerequisites Hourly Rate
Junior Attendant Grade I $1,800
Grade II
  • At least 2 years of service
  • Minimum rating of 4.0 (average over past 12 months)
Grade III
  • At least 4 years of service
  • Minimum rating of 4.5 (average over past 2 years)
Senior Attendant Grade I
  • Minimum rating of 4.7 (average over past 3 years consecutively)
  • No disciplinary infractions or violations in past 3 years
  • Pass SWIFT Test with Grade A
  • Curator's endorsement
Grade II
  • Minimum rating of 4.7 (average over past 5 years consecutively)
  • No disciplinary infractions or violations in past 5 years
  • Curator's endorsement

Duties and Responsibilties

Reporting for Work

Attendants getting ready to walk out on stage for presentation to clients at a selection parade

Attendants are required to report for work at 11.00 am each day. The only acceptable grounds for absence are serious illness or injury, which must be certified by the in-house medical officer. For each day of absence due to illness or injury, $3,000 will be added to her outstanding debt balance.

While at work, Attendants are housed in the Holding Room, which is connected to the backstage area of the Viewing Gallery. From there, they are sent out into the main and side stages of the Viewing Gallery and presented to prospective clients in batches of 8 to 10. Every hour, there will be a selection parade, where all available Attendants will line up for clients to approach them up close for visual inspection. When an Attendant is selected by a client, she will be instructed to fall out of the line up, and report to the custodial staff for transit to the guest suite floors.

At all Grand Clubhouses, the work day ends at 1.00 am. The last call is at 12.00 am. Any Attendant who is not selected for service by 12.00 am or returns from service after 12.00 am is dismissed and allowed to return to the Dormitory for cleaning and personal grooming.

At Altar Riyadh, Altar Abu Dhabi and Altar Doha, Muslim Attendants are dismissed at 11.00 pm during the month of Ramadan. At Altar Shanghai and Altar Hong Kong, Chinese and Korean Attendants are dismissed at 11.00 pm during the Lunar New Year.

Grooming and Presentation

An Attendant getting ready for work in the powder room of her Dormitory

It is the responsibility of each Attendant to ensure that she is properly groomed and presented before reporting to work. All Dormitory complexes contain powder room facilities where Attendants can get ready. At Altar Grand Clubhouses, the policy is that Attendants must be wearing make-up and a light fragrance at all times, and must have no visible body hair anywhere below the eyebrows. Typically, a pre-work inspection is conducted in the Dormitory prior to Attendants reporting for work to ensure that all Attendants are appropriately groomed and presented.

Attendants are required to report to work fully naked and wearing black high-heeled shoes. Once at work, they may be given other items of clothing, such as shawls, scarves, body chains, necklaces or bracelets to enhance their appearance.

Service Standards

Attendants are required to uphold Altar's high standards of service at all times. The Altar Uniform Disciplinary Code imposes a best effort obligation on all Inmate Prostitutes, with failure to do so constituting the offense of malingering. However, at Altar Grand Clubhouses, Attendants are also bound by the Quality Service Guarantee that is offered to clients. In the event of failure to meet this guarantee, the client is given a full refund for the session, and the Attendant has make up for the lost revenue. In addition, the Attendant will be required to offer a replacement session to the client free of charge. In the event that the client refuses to be serviced by the same Attendant, she will have to pay for him to have a replacement session with another Attendant of his choosing.

At the end of every session, the client is invited to anonymously rate the Attendant's performance from 1 to 5. This rating will be registered in the central database, and will contribute to the Attendant's monthly and annual average ratings.

Service to Staff Members

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An Attendant attempting the endurance portion of the SWIFT Test

At work, Attendants are bound by the same requirements for sexual access and sexual service as in the Dormitory. They do not have the right to consent to any sexual contact, and must immediately facilitate access to any staff member who desires it. When instructed to provide sexual services to a staff member, an Attendant is expected to comply immediately.

At the end of a work day, it is customary for the first Attendant to be dismissed from work to proactively offer sexual services to the Duty Guard Commander, and for the next six Attendants to be dismissed to offer sexual services to the other duty guards. While this is not an official requirement, failure to observe this tradition is heavily frowned upon, and may lead to informal disciplinary action by aggrieved staff members.

Annual SWIFT Test

Every Attendant is required to take and pass the SWIFT Test on an annual basis. The testing window is from 1 January to 30 April; a pass result will be valid until 31 December. Attendants are expected to schedule their own SWIFT Tests in their Dormitories in accordance with the published testing schedules.

In the event that an Attendant has not passed the SWIFT Test prior to 30 April in any work year, she will be suspended from duty for a period of up to 45 days, during which she may attempt the test up to 3 times. For each missed work day as a result of her suspension, she will be liable to pay $3,000 in compensation to her employer. If she fails to pass the test within this window, she will be sent back to Reformative Training, with a tariff of 10 weeks. This will not be entered into her record as a disciplinary violation.

Earnings and Debt Repayments

Daily Revenue Quota

Attendants are required to meet a daily minimum revenue quota equivalent to two billed hours at the respective basic hourly rate for their grade. If an Attendant receives no regular bookings on a given day but gets booked for an overnight, she will be deemed as having met her quota.

Attendants do not receive any compensation or revenue share for meeting their daily quota, but stand to be penalized should they fail to do so. The standard penalty is $4,000 per day that the quota is not met. In the event that an Attendant fails to meet the quota for any 6 days within the same calendar month, she will be placed in performance review. Unless there is immediate improvement the following month, she could be transferred to a lower-end establishment.

Revenue Share

Once an Attendant has met her daily quota, she is eligible to receive a share of billed revenue for each booking she receives. This share is referred to as her "earnings". Each Attendant's earnings are computed at the end of every work shift and immediately applied to her outstanding debt balance. Once an Attendant's debt balance has been reduced to zero, she is released from custody. Any excess payments will be returned to her in cash following her release.

In addition, each Attendant also receives a contribution to her personal welfare account which does not need to be applied towards her debt balance. Instead, these funds may be spent on permitted comfort items such as snacks, toiletries or accessories at the Commissary. Welfare contributions are subject to a daily cap (called the "welfare cap"). Specific contribution amounts and welfare cap amounts vary according to an Attendant's grade.

Grade Basic Hourly Rate Overnight Rate Earnings %

(of Revenue)

Welfare %

(of Earnings)

Welfare Cap

(per day)

Junior Attendant I $1,800 $7,200 5.5 0.15 $0.92
Junior Attendant II $1,800 $7,200 5.5 0.15 $0.96
Junior Attendant III $1,950 $7,800 5.5 0.15 $1.08
Senior Attendant I $2,600 $9,100 6.5 0.22 $1.77
Senior Attendant II $2,800 $9,800 6.5 0.24 $1.96

Annual Interest on Debt Balances

All Inmate Prostitutes are charged annual interest of 18% on their outstanding debt balances as of 31 December every year. The interest is applied prospectively for the upcoming year every 1 January. For Inmate Prostitutes employed as Attendants at Grand Clubhouses, annual interest is capped at $100,000 regardless of the size of their outstanding balance.