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Kim Grotelaars

From Soutar36
Kim Grotelaars
Inmate Prostitute #34013
Kim Grotelaars posing for a client catalog photo at The Kasbah in 2034
Service Information
EmployerThe Kasbah
Position Junior Attendant
CuratorJalal Al-Saqqaf
Date Joined19 July 2034
Time in Service<1 year
Duo PartnerTBD
SpecializationsClassic full service
2033 RatingN/A
Custody Information
Indenture Date16 January 2034 (age 18)
FacilityAl-Jafr Women's Dormitory
(see Nominal Roll)
ConservatorJalal Al-Saqqaf
Custody ClassCategory P
GroupPunitive Segregation
Block / CellP-09
Reformative Training
LocationFVTC, Thamud District, Yemen
Start Date1 May 2034
Completion Date14 July 2034
Personal Information
Born23 September 2015 (age 19)
Apeldoorn, Netherlands
Nationality Netherlands
Height172 cm (5'8")
Dress Size6-8

This person is an Inmate Prostitute currently employed as an Attendant at The Kasbah.

Kim Beatrix Karolien Grotelaars (born 13 August 2017) is a Dutch indentured sex worker and adult entertainer who has been employed since 19 July 2034 as an Attendant at The Kasbah, a VIP gentlemen's club based in Saudi Arabia and a five-star property of the Altar Group, the world's largest adult entertainment company.

She currently resides in punitive segregation section of the Al-Jafr Women's Dormitory, a custodial facility for indentured Inmate Prostitutes employed at The Kasbah. She has been in the custody of Altar Group since 16 January 2034, and underwent Reformative Training at the Women's Vocational Training Center (WVTC) in Thamud, Yemen, from 1 May to 14 July 2034 as part of the 34/02 cohort. Her assigned serial number is 34013.

On 6 December 2034, Grotelaars was charged with insubordination before a Disciplinary Tribunal at Al-Jafr Women's Dormitory. This was her second offense, having previously been charged with insubordination on 8 September 2034. At the conclusion of the Disciplinary Tribunal proceedings, junior disciplinary officer Salman Hafeez sentenced Grotelaars to a fine of $180,000 and Loss of Privileges for 12 months. He also ordered her to pay $35,000 in restitution and $22,000 in costs.